
Friends is about a show with a bunch of friends living life in a big city (new york) Chandler, Rachel, Monica, Phoebe,Joey,and Ross. they all learn that you can become whatever you want and you don't have to be what people want you to be. Rachel a rich girl growing up thought that she had to grow up being a housewife married to a Dr but then her friends from high school show her you can get a job and support yourself. Ross learns that don't just marry everyone as he gets divorced 3 times and what Ross and Rachel don't know is they are in love with each other the whole time. Chandler and Monica (Ross’s sister) hook up but end up being in love with each other and Ross is pretty happy his best friend and sister are together. Joey is trying to make it as a big actor in New York city. In the end they all learn something new about themselves. More information can be found here.
